Isabell Brand


Certified Advanced Rolfer, Rolfing Movement Practitioner, Yoga and Pilates teacher, Naturopath (Heilpraktikerin)

Isabell was certified as a Rolfer in 2000 in Munich by the European Rolfing Association. She completed her advanced training in 2005, has been an assistant in Rolfing trainings since 2006, and is a teacher-in-training at the European Rolfing Faculty.

Isabell has trained in a wide variety of methods including Visceral Manipulation, Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Continuum-Movement.

Isabell originally trained in acting and theatre. She has a special interest in freedom of movement  and expression of the whole human being. Isabell gives special emphasis to working with the dynamic of the whole person, supporting the unfolding of their potential, physically, emotionally and in terms of awareness. Isabell also has a background in trauma work and family constellations (after Bert Hellinger). 


After almost 20 years of working as a Rolfer, Isabell remains fascinated by the healing potential of aligning the body in the field of gravity, and the way that can mirror into all areas of life, bringing about greater well-being, joy, freedom and personal balance.

Contact Isabell:

01227 728670

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